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Admissions Procedure

1. The student Admissions and Progression Committee (SAPC) reports directly to the Academic Coun

Its members are selected from the academic staff and senior management, based on individual experience and the needs of the Institute.

2. The role of the SAPC concerns the processes, both for student admission and progression, which is their responsibility to superv It elaborates the procedures for the selection of the students who apply to enrol in one of the Institute’s programs. In addition, it assists the AC in establishing the admission criteria for new programs and makes recommendations on related issues, which must then be approved and adopted, or further discussed, by the AC.

3. The SAPC ensures that the website and/or portal contains sufficient information for prospective students to make well-informed choices before enrolling.

4. The SAPC is also responsible for activities introducing new students, which include open days and freshman weeks, and for preparing activity schedules prior to each student’s enrolment (usually before the beginning of the academic year). These programs include activities for local students and foreigners, such as informal meetings for students and staff, meetings for parents, interviews with the Academic Advisor (AA), tutor or support staff, and recreational activi Student organizations can contribute directly to these programs.

5. All students should have access to an online manual containing information about their courses and other related issu

6. The outcome of the student admission process must be published online within one week of completing the selection or in any case within the specified time, in compliance with any applicable provisions on data protection condition