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Guidelines for the selection of evaluation methods

Different evaluation methods can be used to test different skills. Teachers are encouraged to select one or more methods, bearing in mind that the study unit can be a compulsory or optional module, if it is essential for subsequent learning or to develop the professional skills required for industry and similar factors.

1. Focus and target all learning outcomes that the program/module was intended for.

2. Select evaluation methods that maximize students’ benefits, generating a higher interest and enabling them to receive a better feedback.

3. Consider reliability (in terms of potential repeatability) of the evaluation method.

4. Ensure consistency in grading and moderation of the evaluation activit

5. Make sure the evaluation scheme does not penalize disadvantaged individuals and also consider the need of the various groups (e. international or mature students). If necessary, consult with inclusion and diversity experts and arrange to provide assistance to students with limited access or other special needs.

6. Consider the efficiency of the evaluation method, in terms of use of resources and staff and students’ times; keep the method manageable, taking into account practical issues (location, facilities, time available, number of students, grading facility, etc.).

7. Minimize unnecessary duplication of effort, taking into account evaluation schemes applied to other study units, avoiding testing the same learning outcomes (over-testing).

8. Minimize the possibility of plagiarism and other forms of cheatin

9. Provide students with information on the evaluation method to be applied and the types of grades; make sure that the instructions are clear, communicated in time and leave no room for ambiguous interpretation

10. Allow students to provide feedback on the selected evaluation method and consider their views for possible improvements.