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Study Program and Strategic Key Priorities of the institution-company plan

1. The Academic Council (AC) must design and supervise all the study programs developed by VHEI, according to its mission and educational philosophy of the Institute combining theoretical and practical teaching according to the established program accreditation procedures from the M

2. The courses  are designed to provide highly professional educational pro  They have theoretical and practical approaches, including seminars, guest lectures, workshops, individual and group exercises, project development, video projection, etc. The teaching methodology for each study unit, described in the MFHEA application for accreditation of the course program, is published on the VHEI website and/or portal.

3. For each program, the AC determines the rules for student progression, the recognition of relevant qualifications, periods of study and prior learning – formal, non-formal or informal – and the procedures for carrying out assessments and It is responsible for monitoring the consignment of the programs and their individual modules.

4. Developing a curriculum involves consultation – at both stages of planning and during periodic reviews – with the stakeholders in the sector and the parties involved, in order to make it as relevant as possible to the needs of the indust It also requires student input, usually provided through feedback forms collected for each module and analysed by the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) at the end of each semester. This feedback is essential for the review of each course and to ensure that the curriculum facilitates proper progression in the student’s learning process.

5. Once the need for a specific program is identified, a description of the course and other relevant details will be developed – including its target audience, the level of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF), and the minimum eligibility and selection criteria for student enrolment. Following the management’s decision to offer a new course (upon recommendation of the AC), a team will be organized by the AC to work on the progr This team draws up a provisional program and presents a report with the list of study units that can be offered, evaluated, for the final decision, by the AC and the management.

6. It is the task of the AC to ensure that the representative of the external parties involved, such as industry members, are consulted during the  planning and periodic review of  each course pro The feedback provided should be integrated into the program to ensure that the course is relevant to the job market. The industry members could thus benefit from having well- trained potential employees available.

7. The AC approves the individual modules or study units that make up the program curriculu In any case, this includes: the course outline, learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences), ECTS learning credits, teaching method (with relative division of hours into lectures, guided practice sessions or through tutorials, self-study and workloads), recommended reading lists and other necessary resources, as well as the form of assessment to be adopted.

8. The group of teaches of each study unit defines the teaching methods (theoretical and practical) to be adopted in order to achieve the learning objectives established for the respective modu He also decides on the most appropriate assessment procedures and on the range of educational tools to be used in the unit. The AC then reviews the proposed methodology, before being submitted for approval by the MFHEA evaluators appointed to accredit the study program.

9. No program can therefore be offered unless formally approved by the The latter also determines the minimum requirements for the teachers in each module, in terms of qualifications, academic experience and practical skills through their involvement in the industrial sector.

10. The QAC ensures that the indicated methods are followed. At the end of each semester, the data collected in the student feedback forms, or in any surveys conducted by the QAC, and the consequent recommendations, are analysed. In accordance with the Institute’s QA policies, these periodic reviews are carried out to improve, whenever possible, the content and consignment of the module and progr

11. The AC reviews each program after the evaluation performed by the QAC or by external quality auditors, generally once every three years, or whenever considered necessary to introduce chan The updates to the contents introduced by the AC will be, in turn, monitored by the QAC.

12. All the relevant information on the programs offered – including the individual study units – must be uploaded on the Institute’s website and distributed through the most suitable and effective channels for the course in question, in particular those relating to the industrial secto