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Procedure to ensure integrity and academic freedom

All members of the Academy inspire their behaviour on principles of honesty, fairness, loyalty and transparency towards stakeholders. It is forbidden to use the name of the Academy to obtain private and personal benefits and therefore make use of the position held to obtain utility or benefits in external relations, mainly of a private nature.

All the members of the Academy undertake to keep the information learned in the exercise of their functions confidential, using every possible measure to prevent any loss of data and keeping the documents with which they are entrusted with great care. They are also required to: respect the right to privacy of persons or entities of which the Academy holds protected information; not to divulge confidential data or information relating to participation on academic boards, to consult only authorized documents and files, making use of them in compliance with official duties and protecting their privacy.

Conflict of interest.  Any  action  that, in the name  of  private or partisan  interests,  creates situations of conflict with the objectives and purposes of the Academy, will be avoided. Conflict of interest occurs when the private interests of the recipients of the Code actually or potentially conflict with those of the Academy. Conflicts of interest can be: external working relationships with training institutions or universities potentially competing with the Academy; the acceptance or giving of money, gifts, favours of any kind by people, companies or different institutions; the use of one’s position in the Academy, in order to favour personal interests; the use of information acquired in  carrying  out  one’s  work for  private  interest; participation  in  negotiations or  stipulation  of contracts, in the name of and on behalf of the Academy, in which the counterparty consists of family members or partners of the employee, companies or legal persons of which the same is the owner or interested in them. The employees of the Academy, before accepting remunerated consultancy, management, administration or other positions in favour of external parties, or when situations of conflict arise, must first inform the competent academic board or persons responsible or hierarchically superior. In the situations mentioned, the employee must opt for the defined time and resolve, in any case, the situation of conflict.

 Abuse of one’s  role  . The recipients of the Code are not allowed to abuse of the authority that derives from their academic position, specifically holding offices and positions  in  order to get personal advantages and induce other subjects to carry out services that do  not  fall within the normal performance of free didactic, academic and administrative activities. Professors, researchers and administrative and technical staff will not use their influence to grant favours and benefits or to condition the results of concourses or administrative procedures in order to facilitate relatives, family members, cohabitants or the like. Likewise, such influence will not be exercised to favour students  beyond  actual  merits  and  abilities.  It  also  condemns  and  prosecutes  any  abuse  or harassment of a sexual nature, as well as any illegal activity carried out against students or people who aspire to employment or academic or career promotion.

Enhancement of merit. The fundamental mission of the Academy is to produce and issue knowledge in the form of human capital, promoting free access to all levels of knowledge, intended as common, participatory and pervasive heritage, in the concept of the universality of knowledge itself. To achieve these goals, the Academy community will fulfil its commitment with honesty, impartiality and dedication, enhancing the merits and skills of all its members, without hindering their chances of insertion and promotion in the various stages of their career.

Academic freedom. Academic freedom and respect for the full autonomy of the individual are a prerequisite  for  ensuring  adequate quality profiles  in teaching and  research activities.  In this respect, the members of the Academy are required to behave following the criteria of integrity and responsibility, also adopting specific self-regulatory codes. Since the teacher’s main duty is the conscientious fulfilment of his educational commitment aimed at encouraging the student’s growth, in  compliance  with  the  Academic  Regulations, teachers are required, among other things, to observe the following: carry out teaching activities on at least three separate days for each week of the academic period identified in the calendar, respecting deadlines and breaks; provide, in the timetable dedicated to activities, hours of reception and tutoring approved by the AC; personally give lessons of the courses and modules contained in the didactic regulations, promptly communicating to the respective Presidencies any exceptional absences and relative substitutions, limited to situations of proven necessity; compile, making it constantly available, the register of didactic activities which must be returned to the Didactic  Administration, immediately after their conclusion; fully respect the duty to follow the students in the preparation of the degree thesis, ensuring them all the necessary educational and cultural support. Furthermore, all the members of the Academy are required to maintain a collaborative and respectful conduct in the implementation of the organizational decisions adopted by the academic board, in order to improve the efficiency, impartiality and transparency of the academic administration.

Research enhancement. The Academy aims to contribute, in the most effective and incisive way, to the growth of the local community through the social effects of its research activities. It is the task of each teacher to stimulate, in young people, with dialogues and the development of critical, practical and methodological skills for study and research. Fraud and plagiarism are condemned, the latter understood as partial or total appropriation of ideas, themes or discoveries, regardless of the linguistic and cultural sources when the latter is not referred to. As regards the promotion of research and development of Video Game & Animation Culture, VHEI has also conceived, structured and produced a series of essays entitled “Warpzone”, published by Edizioni Paguro.

Use of the Academy’s name. All recipients of the Code are required to protect the good name and reputation of the Academy. Unless expressly authorized, no one is allowed to misuse the name and logo of the Academy.

Use of  the Academy’s resources. The Academy’s resources must be used according to criteria of responsibility and transparency: no equipment, spaces or resources will be granted  to  external persons or entities for personal reasons or in any case other than those indicated by the Academy, or for purposes that are not approved by the official board. The IT instruments  will be used exclusively for work purposes, in compliance with current legislation and the Academy’s reference procedures.

Diffusion and promotion.  The Academy promotes the diffusion of this Code to promote knowledge of the principles and ethical standards contained therein.

Violations of the Ethic Code and measures. The entire academic community is required to comply with the principles of this Code, consulting the Ethics Commission for clarification on the application or on individual situations envisaged by it. Once the violation of the Code has been ascertained, the competent boards may implement disciplinary measures, in compliance with the civil, criminal and administrative legislation in force. Reports of violation must be received, in written and non-anonymous form, by the Ethics Commission which will, in first instance, analyse the report, consulting its author, the person responsible for the alleged violation and any person potentially involved. The Commission will then transfer the documents relating to the preliminary investigation to the Academic Senate for possible legal measures. The Ethics Commission undertakes to ensure that the processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with fundamental rights and freedom, as well as the dignity of the interested party, with particular reference to privacy, personal identity and the right to the protection of personal data.